Dress Code
Dancers Dress for Success!
Ebony Arrington’s Nimbly Shop is an online boutique that works beautifully 24 hours a day, seven days a week on any device, including a smartphone! Families will now have the ability to order dance shoes, tights, dance wear, and costumes right online. All dancers registered in EADP classes are required to purchase assigned classroom dance wear. All required items are indicated at www.shopnimbly.com. Optional items are shown as well but not mandatory for class.
Once enrolled, students must be in full attire within 14 days or they may not be permitted in class. Students enrolled at schools, daycare centers, and camps are encouraged to wear their dance attire underneath their school clothes on the day of class(es), or follow the direction of the school or organization. At EADP we believe that by wearing appropriate class wear it gives students a sense of belonging to our family as well as creating an identity for our studio in the greater community.
Dress Codes also:
• Encourage discipline
• Help students resist peer pressure to buy stylish clothes for class
• Help identify non-students in the class
• Diminish economic and social barriers between students
• Increase a sense of belonging and school pride
• Improve attendance
To order from our online store go to: ​https://www.shopnimbly.com/EbonyArringtonDance . Identify your childs class and order class attire directly to be shipped to your home!
Welcome to our dance studio! We understand that it takes time for your ordered dance attire to arrive, typically within 3 to 5 days. In the meantime, feel free to wear comfortable dance clothing like previously owned leotards, tights, ballet shoes, or a tank top and leggings. Remember, you have up to two weeks from registration to transition into the required attire, so there's no need to worry—everyone's journey is unique!
All required items are indicated at www.shopnimbly.com/ebonyarringtondance

*Class days and times are subject to change based on the needs of the participants